1. Introduction


Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey to help us improve Luther High School.

Your identity and written comments will be kept confidential. The survey findings may be shared with the Luther High School Association.

Survey will be available at least through Saturday, Dec 21, 2013.

Part of the preparation and planning for the phase 2 (Chapel/Auditorium) and phase 3 (additional classrooms) of the Luther High School Association Center building program is the establishment of a Master Planning Committee. This committee consists of representatives from each association congregation, the faculty and Board of Control.

The Master Planning Committee will be assessing:
1. current needs of the existing building/campus
2. future needs of the existing building/campus
3. future construction of the building/campus
......(scope may also include curriculum and staffing)

The goal is that the various subcommittees of the Master Planning Committee will make their initial report to the Conference of Delegates in February (subcommittee reports due by Jan 31). A final report and recommendations to be submitted to the Conference of Delegates in May (subcommittee reports due by March 31).