Subscribe to the Safe Transitions Listserv

In an effort to facilitate continued collaboration with the Learning & Action Network, we have created a SharePoint listserv. This will allow you to share best practices, highlight resources, tools, and events, and begin discussions with other providers across the continuum. We encourage you to leverage it to share your good work and learn from others!

Listserv Tips: Keep the Safe Transitions Communication Flowing....

• ASK a question, highlight a tool, share a resource, note an upcoming event - Send a message to:

• SHARE your thoughts about a listserv message- the REPLY function will allow you to share with the group (i.e., ALL Listserv members)

• RESPOND to only the sender - use the FORWARD function

Please complete this brief questionnaire by so we can add you to the listserv distribrution. Requests will be processed within a week of receipt.

Question Title

Please provide your demongraphic information:

Question Title

We welcome your input! Please use the space below to share any questions/comments about the Safe Transitions Project, our Learning & Action Network, the community coalitions, the email listserv, SharePoint, etc.