Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Workshop Questionnaire

As part of the Active Learning in Organic Chemistry Workshop (ALOC), we invite you to take this questionnaire. Completing the questionnaire is voluntary.  It will serve to evaluate workshop effectiveness for the purpose of future improvements and better learning outcomes for future participants.

This questionnaire will be provided to you periodically over the next two years. It will take approximately 5-10 minutes. The questionnaire consists of multiple-choice questions and comment sections. Please answer honestly and include any comments you may have so that we may improve future workshops. It will also help us prepare for this workshop so that you have the best experience possible.

Completing the questionnaires is completely voluntary, and you may stop completing them at any time.

We ask that you provide your name prior to completing these surveys, as we wish to track your change in perception of learning and workshop effectiveness over time.

Some benefits of this study include improving future workshops that you and other instructors may attend. It is not guaranteed that you will personally experience benefits by participating in this study, though others may benefit in the future from the information we gain.

Providing your personal information anywhere does pose risk; therefore, we will keep your personal information confidential and protect it by keeping all data on a password-protected computer. We will not formally present your name or identifying information in any of our findings. We only will use your name to match your responses on the surveys over time to evaluate your personal change. Your responses will not be linked to your name in any way except to help the researchers identify trends over time and report aggregated data.

Again, participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right not to participate at all or to stop completing questionnaires as time passes. Deciding not to participate or choosing to leave the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled

Call Justin Houseknecht, Wittenberg University, at 937-327-6437 or email him at if you have any questions about this study, any problems or discomforts you have, or if you believe that something unusual or unexpected is happening.

By providing your name before completing this survey, you are consenting to this study, and consenting to have the data you provide (not your name) represented and used in our study.

Thank you for your participation!

Question Title

* Please provide your full name below: