Daylight Savings Time

Representative Elizabeth Scott is proposing a bill for Washington to join Arizona and Hawaii (and possibly Oregon) in sticking to one standard time.

Currently, most of the nation shifts to Daylight Savings Time to extend the light in the evenings from the second Sunday in March through the first Sunday in November.

Opponents argue that Daylight Savings Time saves energy by making better use of natural daylight. It also gives families, especially those with younger children, more daylight hours to enjoy outside activities. They also argue that it decreases road accidents because roads are naturally lit during the hours with the most traffic.

Proponents have argued against changing the clocks because research has shown that springing forward has increased the risk of a heart attack by 10% in the 48 hours following the change. Some also believe that the time change causes an increase in road accidents during that initial period due to sleep pattern disruptions.

Please look at the one question survey and let me know your position. Thank you.

Question Title

* Should Washington scrap Daylight Savings Time?