1. PV in Australia 2014 - Annual Survey

11% of survey complete.
Thank you for helping with this survey.
It will be used for the annual ‘PV in Australia’ report and provides key information on Australian PV manufacture, usage, research & development, employment, prices and policies.

Your input is vitally important so that we get the best data possible for our industry.

The results form the basis of local industry activity, planning and program development and also feed into a comprehensive international PV dataset, via the International Energy Agency PV Power Systems Programme (www.iea-pvps.org).

Responses remain confidential and only aggregate results will be published in the ‘PV in Australia 2014’ report and in related reports.

If you are aware of people or businesses which have not been sent a survey, but you feel should have been, please send us a message with their contact details (email: info@apvi.org.au)

Please fill in and submit the survey by 20th March to give us time to cross check results and write up the report.

The Australian PV Institute (www.apvi.org.au) supports the increased development and use of PV via research, analysis and information.

Thank you for your input.