We would love to know what you think of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra. We appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete this short online survey.

Question Title

* I attended the following FIrelands Symphony Orchestra concert

Question Title

* Which of the following best describes your attendance at performances of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra?

Question Title

* What did you enjoy most about the concert?

Question Title

* What could the FSO do to make your experience more enjoyable?

Question Title

* How influential were each of the following in your decision to purchase concert tickets?

  Very influential Influential Somewhat Influential Not Influential
Newspaper article
Mailing about this concert
Magazine ad
Referral from a friend
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)
Web Search
Season Brochure
E-mail from the orchestra
Newspaper ad

Question Title

* What prevents you from attending Firelands Symphony concerts more frequently? (check as many as apply and add other inhibitors if you wish)

Question Title

* Please include your name and contact information if you wish a response to your comments.

Question Title

* Thank you for taking our survey. We value your perspectives and hope to see you at upcoming FSO concerts.

Jamie Steinemann, Executive Director
FIrelands Symphony Orchestra

P.S. Answers to the following questions are optional and for classification purposes only. Your responses will not be associated with your name.

In what zip code is your home located?

Question Title

* In what year were you born?

Question Title

* Do any of the following apply to you? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Question Title

* Which best describes your heritage? (check all that apply)