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1. In what grade(s) is your child(ren) currently enrolled at OPE? (Please choose all that apply)

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2. Do you feel the amount of homework given to your child(ren) is too much, not enough or about the right amount? Please rate for each grade level where you have children enrolled.

  Too much About the right amount Not enough NA

Question Title

3. How concerned are you about bullying at OPE?

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4. What suggestions do you have for improving OPE?

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5. What are the strengths of OPE?

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6. What is the best way for you to receive OPE related information? Rank the following communication tools in order of preference (1 as the highest).

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at OPE is a group of volunteer parents, teachers and administrators who develop and execute plans to support the teachers, administration, parents and community. The purpose of the PTA is to use membership funds and fundraising to bridge the gap left by insufficient district/State funding for enrichment programs.

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7. Are you a member of the PTA?

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8. If you are NOT currently a member of the PTA, can you please share why? (Please choose all that apply)

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9. In addition to already funded programs (like Art Attack and Science Attack), how would you like to see the PTA use its funds? Please rank in order of preference (1 being your most preferred).

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10. The state of California requires 200 physical fitness minutes every 10 days of school. What types of physical fitness activities do you prefer for your child(ren)? Please rank them (1 being the most preferred).

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11. Are you in favor of OPE exploring expanded funding for more dedicated PE instruction?

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12. For which of the following PTA sponsored events/fundraisers did your family participate or plan to participate? (Please choose all the apply)

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13. Throughout the year the PTA hosts various family oriented activities. Please indicate which of the following activities you would like to see NEXT year:

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14. Please use this area to provide comments about PTA events/fundraisers and/or suggestions for other events.

EEF at OPE is the fundraising arm of Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School. The foundation is a chapter of the greater Encinitas Educational Foundation that was created to supplement the district's budget to ensure our kids receive the best possible education regardless of how our schools are funded.

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15. Which of the following EEF sponsored events/fundraisers did your family participate or plan to participate?

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16. If you did NOT participate in some or all of the above, please share why: (Please choose all that apply)

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17. Please use this area to provide comments about the EEF events/fundraisers and/or suggestions for other events.

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18. Which best describes the type of fundraising you prefer:

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19. How important are the One and Done Incentives

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important at All
Two tickets to the Pancake Breakfast
End of Year Framed Art

Question Title

20. EEF fundraisers enable OPE to provide enrichment programs and hire credentialed consultants.
In your opinion, how IMPORTANT is each of the consultants?

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important at All NA
General Education Consultant (Kinder)
General Education Consultant (1st-3rd)
Everyone a Reader (Reading intervention)
Science Consultant (K-3)
Science Consultant (4th-6th)
Music Consultant
Technology Consultant
Writing Consultant
Math Consultant
Full-time PE Consultant

Question Title

21. Please rate how satisfied you are with each of the consultants:

  Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Not Satisfied at All NA
General Education Consultant (Kinder)
General Education Consultant (1st-3rd)
Everyone a Reader (Reading intervention)
Science Consultant (K-3)
Science Consultant (4th-6th)
Music Consultant
Technology Consultant
Writing Consultant
Math Consultant
Full-time PE Consultant