
3% of survey complete.
Welcome to the New York City Health Department’s Birth Registration Training! Before you begin the training, you must take a pre-survey. This survey should take about 10 minutes of your time. You must complete the survey in one sitting.

What kind of questions will I be asked?

We will ask you questions about your name, education, work experience, and knowledge about collecting and reporting birth registration information.

How will my answers be used?

The Health Department will use the information you provide to learn more about NYC birth registrars so that we can develop better, more targeted training for you in the future. Therefore, we encourage you to answer each question as honestly and accurately as you can. We will not share any of your answers with your co-workers or your supervisors.

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about the survey?

Please contact the Quality Improvement Unit at the Health Department at 646-632-6300 or

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