Please take 2-3 minutes to comment on the following four questions. Your responses will be used to help WMS administration understand how we can better support the needs of our parents and students for the 2014 -15 school year. Please remember that all responses will help us make our school the best place for your children to learn and excel.
A. Parent Comments 2014

Question Title

* 1. WMS school has 3 terms that are 12 weeks. Our exploratory options are 6 weeks each. In exploratory 1A we ran a school wide program called "The Wilson Way" and Term 1B we ran Digital Citizenship. This was done in accordance with our school mission statement to help get the students organized for the year. Please comment on how you feel it went? Should we continue with this model? If not, then please make suggestions.

Question Title

* 2. What do you think are some positive things happening at WMS this year?

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* 3. What are some areas you feel we could improve on? Can be academic, behavior, supervision, learning support, counselling, etc.

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* 4. How can the staff at WMS involve parents more in your child education?

Question Title

* 5. How do you prefer to receive your child's report card notice for 2014 2015 School year? Unfortunately emailing has not been successful.