STATUTE: Title 20-A, section 15917

TRAINING: NEO Facilities - Session II:  How to enter data, submit a report, and track your baseline building data

DATE: Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

COST: Free

REGISTRATION: Registration is required. This training is provided for facilities directors, superintendents and business managers

LOCATION: On line and classroom training will occur at the same time.

ONLINE:  See Adobe Meetting details at the bottom of this page.  Also, watch the Maine DOE News and training calendar for a link to the live Adobe Connect Meeting session.

CLASSROOM: Maine DOE, 5th floor, room 500

EDUCATOR: Maine DOE Pat Hinckley

CONTACT: Maine Department of Education 207-624-6886


ACCESS TO NEO SCHOOL FACILITIES INVENTORY REPORT: Superintendents, facilities directors, and business managers will be given access to this report. If you need help logging into NEO Facilities, we recommend that you contact the MEDMS Helpdesk [ ] before the training

BACKGROUND: NEO Facilities replaces the old paper form (School Facilities Inventory (SFI)). The new system retains historic data so you can track changes over time. It will be easier to report in future years as you will only need to add changes and confirm existing data.

Conference Number: +1-877-455-0244
Conference Code: 4235577552
To join the online meeting go to this website: