1. Introduction

25% of survey complete.
Periodically the Minnesota International Center reviews our individual giving program to see how it can be improved and better serve our community. In order to continue this process, we need to hear from you!

We would appreciate your completing the following very short survey so we can gain honest feedback on your perception of our organization. In addition, we would love to hear your ideas to help us grow our globally-minded family.

With your feedback, we can better determine what we are doing well, what programs may need to be added or what we should re-evaluate. In this way, we can keep the strong programming you can expect from MIC.

The information gathered in this survey will be STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and will only be used to make recommendations for changes within MIC.

Thank you for participating in our survey! I look forward to greeting you at an MIC event soon.

Carol Engebretson Byrne, President
Minnesota International Center
