1. BPS Teacher Post-Training Survey #MyDigitalVoice 2014-2015

20% of survey complete.
To support the transition to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the integration of technology into these standards, the BPS Instructional Technology Department has developed embedded project-based training for your school. The training has focused on the development of a standards-based curriculum unit that includes technology-rich activities as defined in the CCLS and assists teachers as they launch this at the classroom level. Depending on the teacher's level of technology skills, Instructional Technology Coaches (ITCs) have supported this by brainstorming, modeling a lesson, co-teaching, and/or observing and providing feedback.

To assist us in  evaluating the impact of the training, a  post-survey will be used. The survey is divided into two sections: the first asks you to rate your level of technology skills in different areas; the second asks about your technology use habits. This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time to complete. Because your feedback is valuable to us, please answer all of the questions. A progress bar at the bottom of each page shows what percent of the survey is completed.

Click NEXT at the bottom of each page until you reach the Thank You page.

If you have problems or questions, please contact Sarah Edwards at sedwards@buffaloschools.org.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the four digit number associated with your birthday (month and day - for example Jan 1 = 0101). This number will be used only to match pre and post survey data in order to analyze growth. It will not be used for any other purpose of identification.