MAG 2015 Annual Conference

The MAG Board of Directors is seeking Requests for Presentation for the 2015 Maryland Assessment Group Annual Conference. The conference will be held at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland from October 19 through October 21, 2015.

We are seeking presentations that focus on the following:

Operational Testing and Lessons Learned
HSA/PARCC Updates on Graduation Requirements
Teacher and Principal Evaluation
Plans for Standard Setting
Communicating PARCC scores to parents / staff
Future Accountability Procedures
Lessons Learned from SLOs
Data Integrity
New SAT Format
Item Banking and Formative Assessments
Transitioning to Common Core
Online Assessments
Lessons Learned with PearsonAccess Next
PARCC and Maryland Accommodations Alignment
Transitioning to NCSC
Using PARCC Diagnostic and Mid-Year Assessments to Inform Instruction
Transitioning to Access for ELLs 2.0
Formative Assessment for Maryland Educators (FAME) - Extension of ESEA Flexibility - How does it Impact Accountability?
PARCC Best Practices

Presentation proposals must be submitted on or before July 1, 2015. Once submitted, your proposal will be reviewed and considered for inclusion. All sessions will be one hour long. A decision regarding all presentation proposals will be made on or before August 3, 2015.

Question Title

* 1. Names of Presenters (list all presenters)

Question Title

* 2. Position of Primary Presenter

Question Title

* 4. Primary Presenter's Email

Question Title

* 5. Presenter's mailing address and phone number.

Question Title

* 6. Names of others presenting with you.

Question Title

* 7. Title of the Presentation

Question Title

* 9. Please provide a 50 word description of your presentation.

Question Title

* 10. Please respond to the following:

  Yes No
Do you require internet access?
Would you be willing to present your session more than once?