Dubbo City Council's City Development and Communications Branch includes a team of staff dedicated to promoting the City to the visitor, investor, new resident and event markets.

The purpose of this survey is to seek industry's feedback on campaigns and activities under the City Development Delivery Plan.

We are particularly interested in suggestions that will help us improve or build on the positive promotion of Dubbo.

Tell us what you think!

Question Title

* 1. What is your business industry group?

Question Title

* 2. How aware are you of the City Development Program? Did you know the Branch delivered the following major activities during the past 6 months?

  Yes No
Economic analysis, information and support
The Rhino Adventure (self-drive product in the region)
Dubbo's new Welcome Signs
smile. it's Christmas Program
Television campaign in partnership with Taronga Western Plains Zoo
New resident attraction - Evocities
City Development Partnership Program
Visitor information services
New Resident event in November 2014
Flags in Macquarie Street
Manage dubbo.com.au - the City's web portal
Provide images and copy to media and businesses
Manage social media - @dubbocity - facebook/twitter/instagram
VIP Welcome Pass for event participants
Event support - Event organisers tool box
Event promotion - What's On
Event attraction - bids for conferences, sporting events and festivals
Event Development Fund - 2 streams
School Education Tours Program
City coach tours (visiting groups)

Question Title

* 3.
The 18-month City Development Partnership Program was launched Thursday 26 February. If you operate a business in Dubbo and would like your business promoted to the events, new resident or visitor market, please contact Aimee Croxon on 6801 4458 or email aimee.croxon@dubbo.com.au to find out how.

Or let us contact you - please place contact details in the box below.

Question Title

* 4. If you are aware of the City Development Program and activities, how satisfied are you with the current efforts in the following areas?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Visitor attraction
New resident attraction
Event attraction
Retail and service promotion
City Information (Visitors Information Centre)
Industry Collaboration
Communication with industry

Question Title

* 5.
Please answer this question ONLY if you are involved in the City's events industry. How satisfied are you with the following activities/actions under the Dubbo City Events Strategy

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Dubbo Events Network
Dubbo Event Organisers Toolbox
Event Development Fund
Promotion of events
Support to events

Question Title

* 6.
An important component of the program is updating stakeholders about various activities and opportunities. Do you find out about the Program through any of the below?

Question Title

* 7. Dev

Question Title

* 8.
Is there anything that you have been particularly happy with in regards to activities or outcomes from the City Development Program?

Question Title

* 9. Is there anything that you have been particularly unhappy with regards to activities or outcomes from the City Development Program?