BDO is conducting research into local authority sold services to schools to support Councils facing the increase in academy/free school numbers. As part of this, we are capturing senior local authority officers’ views on the current state and future direction of these non-statutory services.

We would very much appreciate it if you could complete our short survey. All data will be treated anonymously & we will share high level findings with the sector. If you have any questions please contact Matt at or 020 7893 3855. Thank you very much for your assistance!

(Please note - the term "schools" is used throughout to cover both maintained schools and academies)

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your job title and which Council you work for:

Question Title

* 2. How does your Council provide the following discretionary services to schools?
(Tick all that apply)

  Not provided by the Council Funded by the Council Funded by trading Funded through de-delegated DSG funding Other (please specify below)
School Improvement (non-statutory elements)
Educational Psychology (non-statutory elements)
Behavioural Support
Education Welfare
Ethnic Minority / English as an Additional Language support
Outdoor Education / Outdoor Activities
Music Services
Education Library services
Finance services
HR services
Payroll services
ICT services
Property services

Question Title

* 3. Do you currently sell any services to schools outside of your local authority boundary?

Question Title

* 4. What are the main reasons for your Council's trading services with schools?

  1- Critical 2- High Priority 3- Medium Priority 4- Low Priority Not applicable
To generate income / contributions to overheads
To maintain or improve educational standards
To mitigate risks for the Council (e.g. legal or employment risks)
There are no suitable alternative providers for schools in the local area
Schools have asked us to continue to provide these services
Historically, we have always provided these services this way
Seen as core local authority business

Question Title

* 5. What proportion of maintained schools in your area buy back at least one traded service from the local authority?
Please give an approximate percentage.

Question Title

* 6. What proportion of academies in your area buy back at least one traded service from the local authority?
Please give an approximate percentage.

Question Title

* 7. In the future, do you expect income from these services to...

Question Title

* 8. How far do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
In my local authority, traded services with schools are financially sustainable in their current form
We are looking to reduce the amount the Council subsidises traded services to schools
The Council has a clear understanding of the cost recovery of its traded services with schools
There is a competitive market of providers for these services available to local schools
We provide competitive, value for money services to our local schools
I am confident that we will be able to compete with other providers in this market over the next 3 years

Question Title

* 9. Please briefly outline any recent changes and/or future plans for these services?

Question Title

* 10. We would like to contact a selection of Local Authorities to discuss their current and/or future operations in more detail, and highlight examples of best practice in our report. This will probably be in the form of a short telephone interview.
If you would be happy to be contacted, please leave your contact details below:

Question Title

* 11. We will publish a short report later this year to share our research findings and outline considerations for the future. Would you like us to email you a copy of our final report? (If yes, please leave your email address)