1. Introduction

The professional development component of the Ka Hei program is being supported by MEDB Island Energy Inquiry™ (IEI). As a pre-selected participant, you have been invited to attend this two-day PD workshop series to receive hands-on training in photovoltaic, solar heating, energy conservation & audit lessons using inquiry science methodology.

By participating, you will receive:
• An IEI curriculum guide aligned to HCPS III & Common Core standards
• A kit of in-class lab aids (value of $200)
• Full access to the IEI website and resources (www.islandenergyinquiry.org)
• Access to the Ka Hei equipment library to support classroom implementation of the lessons
• An opportunity to engage with local industry renewable energy professionals to receive the latest information on technologies, to be able to make the connection from classroom to industry application, and to learn more of the career opportunities available in the energy sector.
• An opportunity to earn a $300 stipend OR 3 DOE PDE3 credits upon completing IEI program requirements
• On-going support to complete classroom implementation (WebEx online follow-on required)

Please complete this online survey to secure your spot during our planned two-day IEI Workshop series that will be held during March 17 and 18, 2015 from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. both days. Location TBD. This workshop series also requires two follow-on online sessions which will be held May 12-14, 2015 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.