What is your enterprise mobile strategy?

Thank you in advance for participating in our 2014 BYOD survey.

In July 2013, iTnews Group Editor Brett Winterford interviewed technology leaders from 50 of Australia's largest and most complex organisations to discuss their approaches to securing access to enterprise data stored on the mobile devices of staff.

This research, coupled with interviews with all the major suppliers of enterprise mobility solutions on the market at the time, resulted in the publication of the 'The True Cost of BYOD' report.

Twelve months on, we are looking to repeat the effort to discover where the technology has improved and whether attitudes towards enterprise mobility have shifted.

We are especially grateful to those of you who are filling out this survey a second time, as it will prove very helpful in comparing the 2013 and 2014 results.

This independent survey will take two minutes at most and your answers will remain in confidence. We intend to send to share a report that features the aggregated and anonymised numbers from your responses in four weeks.

Question Title

* 1. Which mobile operating systems are you looking to manage and support within your organisation? Please prioritise.

  Not planning to support Low priority Medium priority Highest priority
iOS (Apple)
Windows Mobile

Question Title

* 2. Are you embracing either of the following models within your organisation?