Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for agreeing to participate in Lamaze's parent satisfaction survey. Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators believe in the importance of childbirth education, and we want to hear from you to learn about your satisfaction with how we prepared you for your baby's birth.

Your answers are completely anonymous, and the survey should take you no more than 15 minutes.

Thanks again for your participation!

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1. Did you take a Lamaze class?

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2. Please tell us the name of your Lamaze Instructor.

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3. Please answer the following questions and rate on a scale of "Not at all" to "Very

  Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Very much
How well informed did you feel about the decisions and circumstances you actually encountered in labor and birth?
How helpful was Lamaze education in helping you feel well informed about the decisions and circumstances you actually encountered in your labor and birth?
Did Lamaze education improve your birth experience?
Did Lamaze education help you better partner with your health care provider in the decision making around your labor and delivery?

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4. Were there decisions or circumstances that your Lamaze class did not prepare you for?

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5. Was this your first delivery?

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6. If no, have you had a prior cesarean?