Ithaca College: Strategic Sourcing Survey

100% of survey complete.

Welcome to the Ithaca College Strategic Sourcing Survey. The survey is brief (eight questions) and should take less than five minutes to complete.

We appreciate your participation and feedback.

(NOTE: All questions require an answer)

Question Title

1. Please define your role at Ithaca College.

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2. How many years have you been involved in purchasing related activities at Ithaca?

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3. Are you currently responsible for creating and/or approving purchase transactions?

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4. How would you describe the current process for ordering equipment, supplies and
services from external suppliers?

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5. How would you describe the buying methods (PO, P-Card, etc.) available to you?

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6. Who do you turn to when you need assistance sourcing a product or service?

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7. Do you now, or have you had, a purchase requirement that cannot be satisfied by the
current process?

Question Title

8. Do you have any suggestions as to how Ithaca College can improve the purchasing
process to better meet your needs?