Thank you for sharing your perspective regarding the qualities, experiences, and skills that you would like to see in the District's next superintendent. The survey is being administered by the MASB Executive Search team on behalf of the District and takes about ten minutes to complete. Anonymous individual responses like yours will be combined with those from other stakeholders to provide important community input to the Board of Education as it seeks to identify the best candidate for the position. Responses that contain the names of individuals and/or foul language will be deleted. Consolidated results from all returned surveys will be reported publicly.

One important note: as you go through this survey, you will probably find that every trait and skill discussed is important to you to at least some extent. Your challenge is to help us prioritize between traits that are somewhat important for our next superintendent and those that are critically important—so try to use the full range of any scales we provide and reserve “top box” ratings for only the few items that in your mind rise above the rest.

Question Title

* 1. First, what is the minimum level of education you want the Board to consider when evaluating candidates for the superintendent position? (Check ONE answer below.)

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* 2. Ideally, what level of education would you want the next superintendent to possess? (Check ONE answer below.)

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* 3. Below is a list of positions that superintendent candidates may have held in the past. Which prior positions do you think would prove most valuable for our next superintendent? (You may check up to THREE positions below.)

Question Title

* 4. Listed below are specific areas of expertise that different superintendent candidates may possess. From your perspective, how much weight should the School Board place on each area? Rate the importance of each area using the scale to the right.

  Critically Important Above Average Importance Of Average Importance Below Average Importance Relatively Unimportant
Human resource management
Curriculum development and evaluation
Contract/labor negotiations
Facilities management
Budget development/management
Public Relations
Contract administration

Question Title

* 5. Below are six different leadership style descriptions. Recognizing that a leader may employ all of these management styles in different situations and at different points in time, are there some that you think should be the dominant style for an effective superintendent? Read through the list and choose up to TWO management styles that you would like the next superintendent to employ most often .

Question Title

* 6. Listed below are specific experiences and skill areas that could be important when evaluating the superintendent candidates. From your perspective, how much weight should the School Board place on each area? Rate the importance of each area using the scale to the right.

  Critically Important Above Average Importance Of Average Importance Below Average Importance Relatively Unimportant
Exceedingly responsive (follows through and follows up)
Experience with school bond/millage/sinking fund election and implementation efforts
Already familiar with the District
Fosters professional development of staff
Strong knowledge and experience with school financial matters
Demonstrated ability to work with elected officials beyond the School Board
Recognizes, values, and affirms staff members
Proven track record of active advocacy for public education
Proven track record of raising student achievement
Maintain visibility and accessibility to parents
Overarching love of kids
Demonstrates a keen ability to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to complicated problems
Adept at media and public relations
Ability to develop and direct an effective management team
Exceptional written communication skills
Demonstrated responsiveness to students with learning differences
Strong communication skills with School Board members
Excellent speaking skills with large and small groups
Maintain visibility and accessibility to staff
Maintain visibility and accessibility to students
Strong knowledge of curriculum research and deployment
Maintain visibility and accessibility to the broader School District community
Successful experience working with diverse communities

Question Title

* 7. Listed below are personal characteristics that different superintendent candidates could possess. From your perspective, how much weight should the School Board place on each personality characteristic when assessing each candidate? Rate the importance of each using the scale to the right.

  Critically Important Above Average Importance Of Average Importance Below Average Importance Relatively Unimportant
Culturally competent
A strong listener
Tenacious/doesn’t give up
A problem solver
A risk taker
A strong communicator
Sense of humor
Honest and ethical

Question Title

* 8. To help us understand where our next superintendent needs to lead us, we need to take stock of where we are today. From your perspective, how well does the District currently deliver on each of the key areas shown below? Rate the District on each area using the scale to the right.

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Sure
Efficiency of operations
Rigorous curriculum
Culture of inclusiveness
Safe school environment
Variety of courses offered
Concerted K-12 curriculum planning
Opportunities and resources for advanced students
Communications/community relations
Physical facilities
Career preparation
Opportunities and resources for students who need extra help
Quality of teachers
Creative approaches to learning
College preparation
Responsiveness to the needs of the District community
Leading edge integration/application of technology to learning
Opportunities and resources for average students
Culture of continuous improvement

Question Title

* 9. From your perspective, what challenges do you think the School District will face over the next five years or so that could impact educational programs for our community? Type your answer in the box below.

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* 10. In choosing the next superintendent, which path or strategy below do you think the Board of Education should take? (Choose ONE answer.)

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* 11. Tell us why you chose your answer above. If you think the District should stay the course, what aspects of the District give you that confidence in its leadership? If you think the course of the District should change, what changes would you want the new superintendent to make and why?

Now, just a few questions that will help us categorize your answers with other similar stakeholders in this process and we’ll be done.

Question Title

* 12. If you are a resident, how long have you lived in the School District?

Question Title

* 13. If you are a District employee or are employed somewhere else in the District area, how long have you worked in the area?

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* 14. Finally, which type(s) of stakeholder are you? Check ALL categories below that apply to you.

That’s all the questions we have for you. Thank you again for your willingness to provide input to this important process!