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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. Where do you practice?

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* 3. For how long have you been following Cancer Control?

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* 4. During this time, do you believe that the usefulness of Cancer Control has:

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how would you rate this publication?

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the publication on the following factors:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Coordinated topic reviews
Presentation style/clarity

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* 7. Would you be interested to read regular updates on cancer biology relevant to your practice (eg, signal transduction cascades, immune checkpoint blockade)

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* 8. What suggestions do you have to make Cancer Control relevant to your practice?

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* 9. Do you ever visit the Cancer Control Web page at

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* 10. If the print version of Cancer Control was discontinued and issues were only available online (PDF & e-pub formats), how would this affect your reading of each issue?

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* 11. Has the journal increased your awareness and knowledge of Moffitt Cancer Center and its services?

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* 12. If you would like to receive future announcements relating to the journal, please provide your e-mail address below (information will not be shared/sold):