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* 1. Are you currently a Member of the Taxi Subsidy Scheme?

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* 2. In a typical month, about how many times would you use a taxi?

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* 3. What are the main reasons you use a taxi? Tell us how many times a month you use a taxi for the following:

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* 4. Are there other accessible public transport options near your home e.g. bus, train, ferry that are convenient for you to use?

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* 5. About your most frequent taxi journey: What is the full cost - 'on the meter' - of your journey one-way (i.e. the total fare )?

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* 6. How often do you make that journey (above in Question 5) in one week?

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* 7. If the TSS was capped at $400 how many days travel at your current usage would you manage before you exceeded the Cap?

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* 8. If the TSS was capped what activities would you have to cut out of your schedule?

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* 9. If you have a little more time, please tell us how a $400 annual cap on the taxi subside would affect you?