1. Feedback Survey for RY2013 Verification

Thank you for submitting your company's RY2013 verification data and materials to Green-e Energy!

Our web-based data submission system, the Green-e Energy Verification Tool, is now in its third year running. Changes to the tool were made based on valuable feedback and recommendations from last year's Participants. We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve the Verification Tool and hope that at the end of the day the process and experience worked well for you.

In order to improve the Verification Tool for next year's verification process, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to answer some specific questions on your use of the Verification Tool for RY2013 verification. You may elect to keep your responses anonymous, but we hope to be able to follow up with you to address any concerns or recommendations you may have.

Best regards,
Rachael Terada
Green-e Energy Verification Manager
12% of survey complete.