
11% of survey complete.
The SoCal Arts Responder Network Task Force is a collaboration of CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund + Artists' Emergency Resources), The National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response, local arts agencies, arts service organizations and funders working together to develop a disaster response and recovery system to benefit artists and arts and culture groups throughout the southern California region. The system launch is planned for fall 2013. We need your input to determine what resources, services and communication protocols will make our system work and our community more disaster ready and resilient.

The information you provide is confidential. Unless you waive confidentiality for specified uses, we will hold as privileged and confidential all information that might identify you with your responses. The survey responses will not be reported in any way in which the confidentiality of the survey responses is not guaranteed.

It should take 10-12 minutes to complete the survey—a small but hugely appreciated contribution of time that will make a big difference to our planning efforts!

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