In answering the following ten questions, the term "Sustainability" means to live without depleting resources, damaging the environment, or increasing costs for future generations. All responses are anonymous and the Village of Lombard's Environmental Concerns Committee will use this information to set strategic goals and evaluate program effectiveness.

Question Title

* 1. I rank the importance of taking action toward sustainability as follows:

Question Title

* 2. Regarding energy use, I regularly:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
Turn lights off in rooms not being used
Unplug or switch off appliances when not in use
Purchase energy-efficient appliances and equipment
Close curtains before dark to keep heat in
Use blankets or warm clothes instead of turning the thermostat up.
Air-dry instead of using a clothes dryer
Limit the amount of air conditioning by opening windows or using fans
Use solar panels or solar charging devices

Question Title

* 3. Regarding solid waste, I regularly:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
Recycle paper, glass, plastic and metal
Drop off items at Lombard's Recycling Extravaganza in September
Recycle electrical products such as computers and televisions (1st Saturday 9AM-noon April-November downtown)
Make my own compost
Choose products made of recycled materials
Use reuseable shopping bags instead of paper or plastic
Donate or sell used clothes and household items versus throwing away
Use the Household Hazardous Waste drop-off facility (Saturdays and Sundays 9AM-2PM at 1979 Brookdale in Naperville)

Question Title

* 4. Regarding transportation, I regularly:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
Walk or bicycle instead of drive
Use public transportation
Drive to limit acceleration and braking to conserve fuel
Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle

Question Title

* 5. Regarding food, I regularly:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
Choose organic food
Choose foods with little packaging
Grow my own fruit and vegetables
Buy locally grown produce
Belong to a food cooperative

Question Title

* 6. My personal actions for sustainability are limited by:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
Cost of sustainable products
Availability in stores
Remembering to do them
Attractiveness of sustainable products
Information on what is truly worthwhile
Doubt that they would make a difference

Question Title

* 7. Actions to further prevent climate change should be the responsibility of:

  Highly Agree Agree Neutral Disgree Highly Disagree
International organizations
Federal governments
State governments
County and local governments
Industry and commerce
Don't know
Nobody - I'm not convinced of the cause and effect of climate change.

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* 8. My household has taken advantage of the following programs:

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* 9. My age is:

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* 10. I have the following suggestion regarding Sustainability in Lombard: