1. Introduction

Thank you for participating in Schools Tree Day this year and using Cool Australia's curriculum aligned lesson plans to complement your experience.

Your feedback helps make Tree Day even better for you and others in future years. All it takes is answering a few quick questions, all on this one page:

Question Title

1. What year level do you teach?

Question Title

2. Do you specialise in a particular learning area?

Question Title

3. Which lessons did you use?

Question Title

4. How would you rate the lesson plans on the following criteria?

  Low Medium High
Easy to use
Fun and engaging for students
Quality information
Supported my classroom teaching
Aligned with the national curriculum
Increased students' knowledge
Included digital learning
Complemented my schools' planting activities

Question Title

5. Did the lesson plans help support your school to implement the cross-curriculum priority of sustainability

Question Title

6. How did you find out about the lesson plans?

Question Title

7. How could we make these resources more accessable to schools?

Question Title

8. What else would you like to see next year?

Question Title

9. Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve the lesson plans for future years?

Thank you for completing this survey. You can stay up to date with Cool Australia or Tree Day via Facebook!