Are You an Employee Ownership 100 Company?

The NCEO is compiling its annual list of the largest 100 employee owned companies. To qualify for the list, companies must be majority owned by an ESOP and/or some other employee ownership arrangement in which at least half of all full-time employees meeting basic service requirements participate. The list is ranked by the total number of all employees, full and part-time, whether in the ESOP or not.

If you have been on the list before, please update your information. If you have not been on the list but believe you qualify, please let us know by filling out the information below.

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* 1. Please provide the full name of your company

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* 2. How many full and part-time employees does your company currently have?

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* 3. Type of plan or plans (e.g. ESOP, Profit Sharing, KSOP, Co-op, etc.)

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* 4. Percent of company stock owned by your plan (companies must be majority employee-owned to qualify for Employee Ownership 100 list)

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* 5. In what city and state is your company headquartered?

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* 6. What best describes the principle industry of your company?

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* 7. Please provide us with the contact information for the best person to contact at your company with any further questions