Question Title

1. Do you supervise one or more lawyers who graduated from law school within the last three years? If no, please do not complete the remaining questions. If you supervise more than one recent graduate, please complete a survey on each graduate. If you are completing multiple surveys, you will need to use a different email address for each submission.

Question Title

2. From which school did your employee graduate?

Question Title

3. Are you in agreement that recent graduates from the school you identified above have the following characteristics?

  Yes No
Effective, responsible
Intellectual, analytic skills
Knowledge, understanding of the law
Self-reflection, lifelong learning skills

Question Title

4. In your opinion, do recent graduates from the school you identified above have adequate professional skills? Rate your satisfaction with the following professional skills by a score of 1 (not satisfied at all) to 4 (very satisfied).

  1 2 3 4
Computer skills
Legal research (electronic sources)
Working cooperatively within a team
Legal analysis and reasoning
Oral communication
Basic writing skills (grammar, usage)
Written communication
Interviewing and questioning
Factual investigation
Problem solving

Question Title

5. In your opinion, how important are the following professional skills? Rate on a scale of 1 (not important at all) to 4 (very important).

  1 2 3 4
Computer skills
Legal research (electronic sources)
Working cooperatively within a team
Legal analysis and reasoning
Oral communication
Basic writing skills (grammar, usage)
Written communication
Interviewing and questioning
Factual investigation
Problem solving

Question Title

6. Do recent graduates from the school you have identified above possess adequate professional knowledge? Rate your satisfaction with the following areas of professional knowledge on a scale of 1 (does not possess adequate knowledge) to 4 (satisfied with the level of professional knowledge) in each of these subject areas:

  1 2 3 4
Professional responsibility
Civil Procedure
Business associations
Property (real, personal, landlord tenant)
Constitutional law
Insurance, workers' comp, and social security
Commercial law
Administrative law
Estates, trusts and wills
Criminal procedure
Civil rights
Criminal law
Family and juvenile law
Elder law
Employment and labor law
Consumer law
Land use law
Intellectual property and internet law
Bankruptcy, liens and poverty law
Securities, banking and investment law
Environmental, natural resources and water law
International and immigration law
Legal history
Admiralty law