1. How much do you know about Alzheimer's? Answers follow after quiz

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* 1. Alzheimer's won't kill you

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* 2. Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can cause Alzheimer's

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* 3. Aspartame or artificial sweetners can cause memory loss

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* 4. Flu shots are linked to an increase of Alzheimer's

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* 5. Dementia and Alzheimer's are the same thing

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* 6. More men than women get Alzheimer's

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* 7. Playing video games or learning something new may help to lower your Alzheimer's risk

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* 8. Silver dental fillings may increase your risk of Alzheimer's

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* 9. There is a cure for Alzheimer's

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* 10. Alzheimer's may be caused by genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors