Thank you for your VALUABLE participation in this IMPORTANT landmark survey! Please answer as MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU CAN - - OR please forward the link to someone else at your church who may have the information to complete this survey.

When the survey is completed you will be given access to FREE GIFTS to show our appreciation for your participation ($80+ value) - - including the Executive Summary of the survey when we release the results.

You are ALSO invited to personally participate in the VIEW FROM THE PEW personal household finances/debt/giving survey at

Question Title

* 1. What is the average attendance at your church's weekend worship service/s (adults and children)?

Question Title

* 2. What is your role/position at the church?

Question Title

* 3. Where is your church located?

Question Title

* 4. What happened to your church's general giving in 2010 (or your last fiscal year) compared to 2009?

Question Title

* 5. How much do you estimate your general giving (not designated giving) went up or down in 2010 (or for your last fiscal year)?

Question Title

* 6. Many churches look toward December to give their budgets a significant boost when people do their year-end giving. At your church, what happened with your December/Year-End giving?

Question Title

* 7. Compared to the last year's budget (2010 or previous fiscal year), did the current year's budget increase, stay the same, or decrease?

Question Title

* 8. What do you know about how your church handled the following items impacting your church budget for 2011 (or your current fiscal year)?

Full-time Staff Positions
Part-time Staff Positions
Staff Salaries (i.e. Pay Raises)
Staff Health Care
Staff Retirement
Staff Travel/Confs
Ministry Programs (CE, Youth, etc.)
Benevolence/Help for Needy
Expansion or Renovation Projects
Denomination Support/Assessments (if applicable)
Other (explain below)

Question Title

* 9. What is your ANNUAL CHURCH OPERATING BUDGET? Note: This amount should NOT include any additional DESIGNATED giving for building projects, school, missions, benevolence, or other DESIGNATED giving accounts.

Question Title

* 10. In the new federal budget the government is looking at changing the rules regarding charitable deductions. If the charitable tax deduction were significantly reduced or eliminated, what impact do you feel this would have on the future giving at your church?

Question Title

* 11. Wise governance, leadership integrity, and financial accountability is vital to a church's credibility in order to gain people's trust and receive their faithful and generous financial support. Which of the following practices are done at your church?

  Yes Thinking about doing No
Our congregation receives copies or can request a copy of our annual budget (note: salaries/benefits do NOT have to be listed individually, but can be shown under one "payroll" category)
Annual financial statements are available upon request to our congregation
Our top leadership board is made up of 5 or more people, with at least 3 of the people not a pastor/staff or related to a pastor/staff
We have a finance committee with the majority being lay people
An outside audit has been done by a CPA firm within the last 3 years
An internal audit is conducted annually by our finance committee or selected individuals
We provide/send personal giving statements (showing a record of their donations) MORE than once a year
We have a conflict-of-interest policy related to pastors, staff, and church leaders

Question Title

* 12. What does your church do to help people with their finances, inspire generosity, and increase church giving (check ALL that apply)?

  DID last year WILL Do This Year MIGHT Do This Year NEED More Info Don't/Won't Do
Offer financial classes or seminars
Have sermon(s) on finances/generosity
Conduct annual stewardship drive
Distribute generosity devotional to families
Share a Bible verse on generosity when taking the offering
Use generosity videos in worship service
Financial/generosity pamphlets available
Volunteer financial counselors available
Accept donations on the church's website
Offer automatic electronic payments (EFT)
Offer eGiving by Cell/PDA/iPhone/Facebook
Offer estate planning materials and/or seminar
Pastor/leaders attend stewardship training conference

Question Title

* 13. Click on any group you know that helps provide materials & helpful ideas for your church related to church finances/budgets, expert advice, financial classes, and/or encouraging generosity/giving.

Question Title

* 14. Which of the following apply to your church's capital fundraising projects? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 15. What of the following BEST REPRESENTS your church's theological leanings or affiliations (choose one):

Question Title

* 16. Please provide us with your name and email address so we can send you the results of the survey after it is all tabulated.

Thank you for your valuable assistance.

Once you complete this survey and hit SUBMIT, you will be taken to a webpage so you can receive your FREE thank-you gifts for your valuable participation.

Once we complete our Executive Summaries for the STATE of the PLATE Church Survey and the VIEW from the Pew Personal Survey, we will send you FREE copies (Value: $14.95 each).

If you are willing, we would also invite you to go back and take the PERSONAL SURVEY that is an important part of this landmark research (at

Gratefully yours,
BRIAN KLUTH, Founder of
MATT BRANAUGH, Director of Editorial, Christianity Today International’s Church Management Team
DAN BUSBY, President of Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability in Washington D.C.