1. 2015 Central Coast Insights Survey

Dear Wine Industry Member,

The Wine Industry Symposium Group will be presenting the 21st Annual Central Coast Insights Program on Thursday, March 12, 2015, at the Paso Robles Inn in Paso Robles.

Below you will find a Survey, the results of which will be presented at the event. We would greatly appreciate your time to complete the Survey.

It has been such an exciting year, with so many important issues and changes, and we think a comparison to previous years will be of great interest. In addition we are hoping to discover the compelling issues and topics that impact your business. All responses will be kept confidential as we are not collecting email addresses.

You can register to attend the Central Coast Insights event at www.winesymposium.com beginning January 14th.

Many thanks for helping us to make the results of this survey meaningful!

Question Title

1. Which category best describes your participation in the wine industry?

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2. Which county best describes your primary location?

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3. How many vineyard acres do you own or lease in your primary location?

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4. Do you plan to replant or develop new vineyards in 2015? If so, why? If not, why not? Check all appropriate answers:

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5. What percent of your grapes ultimately end up in Central Coast Appellation wines?

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6. How many cases do you expect to produce from the 2015 vintage?

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7. If you are increasing case production, by how much will you grow?

  No change 2% 5% 10% Above 10%

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8. How much will you raise prices?

  No Change 2% 5% 10% Above 10%

Question Title

9. Which of the following best describe your business priorities for 2015?

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10. What are the strengths of the Central Coast

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11. Which of the following factors will have a POSITIVE IMPACT on the Central Coast Wine Industry over the next 3 years? (1 equals no impact and 5 equals major impact)

  1 2 3 4 5
Improved economy and increased consumer confidence
Appellation / regional identity / authenticity / image
Increased demand for Central Coast grapes
Compelling value to price ratio
Increased direct to consumer sales
Increased local tourism
More sales outlets
Increased national distribution; more states allowing wine purchases in food stores
Supply/demand in relative balance
Increased use of social media
Consumer has traded up to put Central Coast in sweet spot

Question Title

12. Which of the following factors will have a NEGATIVE IMPACT on the Central Coast Wine Industry over the next three years? (1 equals no concern and 5 equals great concern)

  1 2 3 4 5
Slow economic recovery
Global wine competition
Increased input costs
Labor shortage
Environmental constraints
Retailer/Distributor consolidation
Competition for shelf space
Can't plant out or expand vineyards
Water supply issues
Competition from other beverages such as craft beers
Lack of capacity / production space

Question Title

13. Three very large harvests have strained wine production capacity. In addition, in some areas custom crush and other production facilities have been purchased or consolidated, resulting in scarce production space.

Does your company plan to increase wine production?

Question Title

14. How do your 2014 profits and revenues compare with 2013?

  Worse Same + 2% + 5% + 10% Above 10%

Question Title

15. Looking to the future of the Central Coast, how do you think the DEMAND for these wine varietals will change from now through 2016?

  Weak Demand No Change Strong Demand
Cabernet Sauvignon
Pinot Noir
Sauvignon Blanc
Pinot Grigio

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16. Which price segments do you think will have the strongest growth over the next three years? (1 equals very weak and 5 equals very strong)

  1 2 3 4 5
Over $25

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17. Drought: What does it mean for your business? ( Rank Importance 1 to 5, with 5 being very important).

  1 2 3 4 5
Lack of water for frost protection
Lack of water for irrigation
Potential low vineyard yield in 2015
Impact on winery operations
Investing in water saving technology
Looking at reclaimed waste water/alternatives
Effect on land prices
Concern of Lenders
More regulations
Environmental Impact
Fewer grapes/lower profits
Change in wine flavors

Question Title

18. How will the CONSUMER change in 2015 compared with the past two years? (Scale of 1 to 5 with 5 = biggest change)

  1 2 3 4 5
Generational Impact (Boomers more dominant, GenX and Millennials moving up)
Consumers are dining out more, which should lead to increased wine sales
Increased use of Smart Phones, Social Media and the Online World for purchasing decisions
Your customers are now your firends
Will purchase more wine without corks
Consumers are searching for authenticity, are willing to spend more
Some wine consumers are drinking more sweet, than dry, wine
Looking for global wines/diversity of varietals
Willing to try more new wines, less likely to stay loyal to one brand
Consumers will continue to seek more value, affordable luxuries
Bottle size and shape matters less

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19. List the percentage of your 2014 grape contracts in the following categories (SHOULD EQUAL 100%)

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20. List the percentage of your 2015 grape contracts in the following categories (SHOULD EQUAL 100%)

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21. Please answer YES or NO to the following social media questions:

  Yes No
Does your business have a Facebook page?
Does your business have a blog?
Does your business have a Twitter presence?
Do you have a business presence on LinkedIn?
Are you planning to increase use of social media for your business?
Do you believe that social media is increasing your sales?
Do you believe that social media has increased your profitability?

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22. Which areas of your business could require capital over the next three years?

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23. What makes you happy with your lender? Scale of 1 to 5 with 5 = happiest

  1 2 3 4 5
Ease of Credit
Number of lenders interested
Length of loans
Oversight more educational
Instructive Meetings

Question Title

24. What do you think your top concerns will be at the end of 2015?