Breast Cancer Market Research

We are a branch of a larger market research company, whose goal is to make contact with as many people diagnosed or involved in the treatment of Breast Cancer. We will be looking to reach out to those interested in the form of online surveys and telephone discussions to help understand the needs of Breast Cancer patients and caregivers. When contacted and qualified we will pay respondents for their time (up to $100).

Our clients range from not-for-profit organizations, advertising agencies, advocacy groups and pharmaceutical companies. We work with them as an independent research company to identify and resource the opinions of individuals closest to various disease groups. We have worked in a number of different disease areas including diabetes, autism, Fragile X, schizophrenia, etc.

All information collected during the surveys or phone discussions will be completely confidential in that we will not show your name or any other identifying information to our clients.

Question Title

* 1. Have you (patient if caregiver) been diagnosed with Breast Cancer?

Question Title

* 2. When Diagnosed?

Question Title

* 3. Current Stage?

Question Title

* 4. Note Treatment(s) Utilized, check all that apply::

Question Title

* 5. Please provide basic information so we can contact you when next survey is in progress. Name and phone # are requested not required at this time.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this short questionnaire. We are collecting basic information to match individuals with specific survey requirements in order to invite your participation.