Welcome to the Collingwood Area School Principal Recruitment Survey

The recruitment of a Principal is perhaps the most important task a Board will undertake. Finding the right person to lead the school is as much about ‘fit’ as it is about qualifications and experience. This survey asks you as staff members to share your perspective on what you believe are the necessary skills, personal attributes, philosophies and experience to lead your school. Responses from this survey will create a staff consultation document that will be included in the Recruitment Pack for candidates, and will help to inform the Board in their recruitment decisions.

As you will be aware, the Collingwood Area School Board of Trustees has appointed Terri Johnstone from Catalyst for Change to assist them in the process of recruiting the new Principal. Catalyst for Change is conducting this survey, and as an independent consultancy firm, you can be assured that your responses and comments will remain anonymous and confidential.

This survey should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Please note that once you have clicked 'Done' on the final page of the survey, you will not be able to re-enter the survey or edit your responses.