1. Nomination Form (Self-nominations are accepted.)

The City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture (Commission) welcomes nominations of individuals who add to the diversity, quality and rigor of the Commission's panels that review applications for funding and public art projects - Commission Advisory Panels (CAPs).

CAPs augment the work of the Commission and support the goals of the Commission by providing opportunities for community members to participate in Commission processes, and to utilize the input and feedback of panelists in the Commission’s decision-making processes.

CAPs play a vital part in the Commission’s application review process. Each year, more than 30 volunteer panelists from throughout the San Diego community contribute their time and knowledge to help decide the distribution of City Transient Occupancy Tax funds to nonprofit organizations through a fair and open process.

The Commission strives to convene panels whose members strike a balance among content expertise (arts, tourism, marketing, education, financial management, etc.), community connections and representation of San Diego’s diverse population.

Any interested San Diego County resident or organization headquartered in San Diego County may make a nomination. Self nominations are also accepted. The nominating committee submits a proposed slate to the full Commission, which modifies or adopts it at a regularly scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission retains the applications of community members who have been nominated for service but not appointed.

Panelists appointed to serve must be able to fulfill the following responsibilities:

1. Read and become familiar with written applications and supplementary materials provided prior to the panel meeting.

2. Attend orientation meeting and participate fully in panel meetings.

3. Consider and review each application according to written and published program guidelines.

4. Refer all applicant contact to the Commission staff.

5. Declare all actual or apparent conflicts of interest prior to the discussion of any application.

To be considered to serve on a Commission Advisory Panel (CAP), please submit this survey by September 28, 2012.

Also, send your resume separately to Linda Sokol at lsokol@sandiego.gov

For additional information, please contact Linda Sokol at the Commission at 619-236-6778 or lsokol@sandiego.gov

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information below.

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* 2. Please indicate the nominee's affiliations with the following (optional). Check all that apply:

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* 3. Please rank the nominee's expertise in the following areas:

  Low Moderate Good Excellent N/A
Business Administration
Collections Management
Community Development
Curatorial Practices
Development/Grant Writing
Grant Administration
Marketing and Public Relations
Nonprofit Management
Service Programming
Urban Planning and Design

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the nominee's expertise in the following areas:

  Low Moderate Good Excellent N/A
Humanities and History
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
Science and Technology
Visual Art
Arts for Children
Arts for Persons with Disabilities

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* 5. Please tell us why you think this person would make an excellent CAP member.

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* 6. Please provide a brief bio below and email a resume to lsokol@sandiego.gov

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* 7. Is there anything else you want the Commission to know?

Please note: All panelists must formally declare conflicts of interest before serving. Artists serving on public art panels are not eligible to apply for the related public art project competition. Artists serving on the Public Art Committee are not eligible to compete for any public art commission offered by the City of San Diego. Staff and board members of applying organizations will not be assigned to review applications for the same allocations program to which they apply.
Please do not forget to email your resume to Linda Sokol: lsokol@sandiego.gov

Please write "CAP Nomination" in the Subject line. Thank you.