Thank you for your feedback!

We appreciate you taking time to offer us feedback on the Bookstores without Barriers webinar series. Your time is precious, so this survey will be brief. Thank you again for your input!

To recap, there were four presentations; please feel free to share your opinions on any or all of the events.

October 22: Maintaining Strong Faculty Relationships
Keeping lines of communication open and adoptions coming in on a regular basis.

October 29: Reaching Students Across Multiple Channels
Having success with promotions, cross-channel events, social media and more!

November 5: Combatting Competition, Online & Elsewhere
Combatting showrooming and online/third party competition.

November 12: Sourcing the Best & Most Course Materials
Tools and methods for sourcing materials for your store.

Question Title

* 1. Which event(s) did you attend/view the recording? Select all that apply.