Survey background

NPC is part of a consortium of partners commissioned by NOMS to develop a new toolkit.

This toolkit will measure the "intermediate" outcomes of work to improve offenders' relationships, and will help providers to measure the outcomes of their services in a standardised way. We are focusing specifically on work to improve family and peer relationships.

As part of this research we are surveying providers to understand what kind of outcomes organisations are working towards, how organisations are currently measuring and evaluating their work and what organisations would like the toolkit to look like.

The findings will help us to develop a toolkit which we will pilot with a number of providers in the coming months.

We would like you to answer these questions in relation to your work to improve family or peer relationships of offender or ex-offenders, whether you work with offenders directly or with their families.

Your responses will be strictly confidential and any comments you make will not be attributed to you.