1. Libraries Assisting Unemployed Survey

NYLA is collecting information about libraries assisting unemployed patrons who are searching for or applying for jobs, public assistance, etc. Thank you for your cooperation.

Question Title

* 1. Has your library staff assisted someone with either looking for or applying for a job lin 2011?

Question Title

* 2. Do you know of anyone that your library staff assisted in looking for or applying for a job who subsequently got a job in 2011?

Question Title

* 3. If so, can you provide us with contact information for this person(s) so that we can get a testimonial?

Question Title

* 4. If not, can you obtain a testimonial from this person(s) for us?

Question Title

* 5. Has your library staff assisted someone with accessing public assistance (unemployment benefits, HEAP, Foodstamps, Medicaid, etc.) in 2011?

Please identify your library. Libraries are listed by community.

Question Title

* 6. New York City