A+ Ideas, programs and Practices

50% of survey complete.
"A+ Ideas, Programs and Practices" is a resource for local boards of education. Located on the New Jersey School Boards Association website, it is a place where school districts can learn about—and find inspiration from—successful programs.

We invite you to tell us about your successful program, and showcase your creativity, by completing this simple survey.

NJSBA is seeking information about programs in the following categories:

• Curriculum/Student Achievement
• STEM Education/Technology
• Governance/Board Leadership
• School Climate
• Shared Services
• Financial Operations
• Sustainable Practices
• Facilities/Buildings and Grounds
• Community Relations

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* 1. School District:

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* 3. Please provide the following information so that we can contact you if necessary.

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* 4. Program Title:

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* 5. Indicate the category that best describes your program. (Select all that apply.)

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* 6. Which grade level(s) does your program serve? (Select all that apply.)

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* 7. Provide a description of the program.

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* 8. If the program is described on your district's website, please provide a link for further information.

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* 9. Please provide contact information, which would be published in NJSBA's "A+ Ideas" website.

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* 10. Would you be able to provide a photo related to the program for inclusion in the "A+ Ideas" website?