Dear Doctor, I am writing to give notice that I refuse consent for my identifiable information to be transferred from your practice systems for any purpose other than my personal medical care.

Please take whatever steps necessary to ensure my confidential personal information is not uploaded and record my dissent by whatever means possible. This includes adding the ‘Dissent from secondary use of GP patient identifiable data’ code (Read v2:9Nu0 or CVT3: XaZ89) to my record as well as the ‘Dissent from disclosure of personal confidential data by Health and Social Care Information Centre’ code (Read v2: 9Nu4 or CTV3: XaaVL).

I am aware of the implications of this request, understand that it will not affect the care we receive and will notify you should I change my mind.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact details

Question Title

* 2. I am writing to give notice that I refuse consent for identifiable information of those for whom I am responsible to be transferred from your practice systems for any purpose other than their personal medical care.

I am aware of the implications of this request, understand that it will not affect the care we receive and will notify you should I change my mind.

Question Title

* 3. Haughton Thornley Medical Centres recommends patients should be able to see their own records and share them with whom they like if they can, understand their own health using the links on the practice website and to discuss this with their clinician. Would you like us to contact you so that you can have access to your records?