Registration for the 2014 SFSD STEAM Innovation Summer Institute

This year, through generous support from The Grable Foundation, The South Fayette Township School District developed a STEAM Model of Innovation and shared curriculum and support with partner schools -- and now we are sharing what we have learned with you! The STEAM Innovation Summer Institute will take place at The South Fayette Township School District Intermediate School on July 21-23. Teachers interested in embedding computational thinking, game design, and lessons that include engineering and design problem-solving will find an exciting array of innovative learning opportunities K-12. Classes will be held from 8:30am - 4:00pm with a 90 minute break for an off-campus lunch. We recommend that teachers bring laptops to the workshop although we can provide technology equipment when needed. Costs for classes and payment options are listed in the online registration. To register, complete the following information. Space is limited and is on a first-come first served basis. You will be contacted by email regarding your registration status, and additional details pertaining to your workshop, such as the building location and room number.

For additional information please contact Aileen at look forward to seeing you soon!

-- Aileen Owens, Director of Technology and Innovation, SFSD