Pinellas County Extension Online Newsletters (blogs) Survey

Question Title

* 1. Which online newsletters/blogs do you subscribe to?

Question Title

* 2. After thinking about the articles you have read previously on any of our online newsletters/blogs, please rate the following:

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Overall content
Information presented is practical and helpful
Quality of the articles
Length of articles
Timeliness of articles
Pictures/graphics appropriate for articles
Links are helpful in expanding on the information in the articles
Topics are communicated clearly and effectively
Knowledge level of writer

Question Title

* 3. How likely are you to share a newsletter/blog with your friends and family?

Question Title

* 4. Have you attended an online class/webinar presented by Pinellas County Extension?

If no, skip to question 6.

Question Title

* 5. After thinking about the webinar you attended, please rate the following:

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Overall content
Quality of the presentation
Length of the presentation
Timeliness of the presentation
Topic was communicated clearly and effectively
Knowledge level of the presenter

Question Title

* 6. What, if any, information or topics would you like to see included in future blogs?

Question Title

* 7. What, if any, information or topics would you like to see included in future online classes/webinars?

Question Title

* 8. How did you find out about the Extension online newsletters/blogs and webinars?

Question Title

* 9. As a result of reading the newsletter/blog did you?

  Yes No
Improve knowledge of subject area
Change any practices e.g. budget more, become more energy conscious
Implement any new practices e.g. recycle, compost
Experience cost savings e.g. hot water heater upgrade, new light bulbs
Sign up for additional training e.g. technical training, online class

Question Title

* 10. As a result of attending an online class/webinar did you?

  Yes No
Improve knowledge of subject area
Change any practices e.g. budget more, become more energy conscious
Implement any new practices e.g. recycle, compost
Experience cost savings e.g. hot water heater upgrade, new light bulbs
Sign up for additional training e.g. technical training, online class

Question Title

* 11. Do you have any other recommendations that will help us improve the services we provide?

Thank you for taking our survey. We encourage you to view and sign up for all of our blogs.