1. Man in a Case Questionnaire

Welcome to Hartford Stage! Your thoughts and comments on the production at this stage in its development are important to us. We also welcome your feedback on our newly renovated spaces and your overall experience here.

Question Title

* 1. When did you attend the performance?

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* 2. What did you think of the production?

  Loved it Liked it No Opinion Didn't Like it Hated it
The Script

Question Title

* 3. Feel free to elaborate on your opinion:

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* 4. Would you recommend this show to your friends?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. What prompted you to purchase tickets to this show?

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* 7. How was your overall experience at Hartford Stage?
(parking, coat check, box office, new lobby space, new bathrooms, etc.)

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* 8. What offerings would you like to see at our lobby bars?

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* 9. To sign up to receive news, updates and special offers via email, please complete the information below: