The purpose of this survey is to obtain feedback in preparation for revising the Pre-Visit Preparation material that is completed by all ABET Program Evaluators prior to an on-site visit.  Thank you for providing your feedback on the Pre-Visit Preparation materials.

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* 1. For which ABET commission(s) are you a Program Evaluator in this current cycle?

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* 2. Do you feel that Pre-Visit Preparation material was helpful in preparing for your visit(s)?

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* 3. What part(s) of the material did you find most useful?

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* 4. What part(s) of the material did you find least useful?

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* 5. Was there any missing material that could improve the value of the Pre-Visit Preparation?

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* 6. Please provide any additional suggestions or other comments that you may have regarding the Pre-Visit Preparation.