Course Description

Cultural Considerations
Presented July 3, 2014 via Adobe Connect

Course Faculty
Blythe S. Winchester, MD, MPH

Release Date: July 3, 2014
Estimated Time to Complete Course: 1.0 hour

There is no fee associated with this educational activity.

Target Audience: Intended for Physicians, Nurses, Case Managers, Social Workers, Mid-Level Providers, other Healthcare Professionals

Course Overview
The American Indian and Alaska Native population suffers a disproportionate burden from cancer and have palliative care needs unique to their cultural perspectives. There is an urgent need to train health professionals serving these populations in the delivery of culturally appropriate palliative and end-of-life care. Despite the fact that the knowledge base exists to adequately control the symptoms and suffering experienced by patients with cancer, patients continue to report significant amounts of unrelieved suffering. Gaps between current and desired practice need to be filled so that palliative care becomes an essential and inextricable part of comprehensive cancer care.

As a result of completing this training, participants will be able to:
1. Describe traditional tribal family structures
2. Identify origins of mistrust of the Western medical model
3. Describe traditional Indian Medicine concepts
4. Use collaboration with traditional healers
5. Identify cultural language and practices relating to the dying process

This recorded webinar is not eligible for continuing education credits but is availble as an additional educational resource.