How Are We Doing?

We need to understand the value that Ontario Contact provides to you in your planning, programming, or business.

Question Title

* 1. Within the intensive three days of Ontario Contact, please identify those activities in which you participated and rate their value to you:

  Most prized or practical Important Helpful Had no value for me Did not participate
Facility Managers Meeting
Extraordinary Project Discussion
Opening Reception
First Timers' Breakfast
Pitch Session(s)
Keynote Speaker Lunch
Award Dinner
Late Night Hospitality
Contact Room
Unconference Conversations
Networking Lunch (Friday)
Prologue Breakfast
Indie Showcase(s)
Summers Dossena & Baird Workshop
NAPAMA Meeting
OCMN Meeting
Zoom! Workshop
Closing Celebration

Question Title

* 2. How would you describe your main point of contact with Ontario Contact? As an...