We value your opinion.
Your feedback will help us serve you and your child/children better.
Please complete this survey between November 3, 2014 and December 31, 2014.

Question Title

* 1. Do you feel welcome when you enter this school?

Question Title

* 2. Is the main office staff helpful?

Question Title

* 3. Are you able to access information about your student(s) through the district website?

Question Title

* 4. How often do you visit the Roanoke City Public Schools website? The address of the RCPS website is: www.rcps.info

Question Title

* 5. How helpful is the RCPS website?

Question Title

* 6. Are your telephone calls to the school returned within 24 hours?

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel that your school communicates effectively with you?

Question Title

* 8. Do you feel that the school administration cares about the success of your child/children?

Question Title

* 9. Do you feel that the teaching staff cares about the success of your child/children?

Question Title

* 10. Is the school clean and well maintained?

Question Title

* 11. Do you feel the cafeteria menu offers choices that meet your student's nutritional needs?

Question Title

* 12. Do you feel that the quality of the food served in the cafeteria is appropriate?

Question Title

* 13. Do you feel that the school's overall environment contributes to student learning?

Question Title

* 14. Would you recommend this school to other parents?

Question Title

* 15. Are your child's teachers at this school engaged with their students?

Question Title

* 16. Do you feel that discipline practices at the school are effective?

Question Title

* 17. Please indicate all activities at this school which your child/children participates:

Question Title

* Questions/Comments: Your comments are extremely helpful and important to us. If you would like to include questions or comments, please do so in the space below.

If you would like us to follow-up with you regarding your comments or questions, please enter your contact information.

Question Title

* name:

Question Title

* phone number :

Question Title

* email :

Again, thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!