Online Experience Survey Question Title * 1. Is this your first time buying tires from Town Fair Tire? Yes No Question Title * 2. Why are you visiting our website today? Shopping for tires Shopping for wheels Need a tire repair Need a tire rotation Need a wheel alignment Need a winter tire change-over Research Make an appointment Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Please rate the overall appearance of the website. Unattractive Somewhat unattractive Neither attractive or unattractive Attractive Very attractive Unattractive Somewhat unattractive Neither attractive or unattractive Attractive Very attractive Question Title * 4. Evaluate the following statements. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree The website is easy to use The website is easy to use Strongly Disagree The website is easy to use Disagree The website is easy to use Neither Disagree Nor Agree The website is easy to use Agree The website is easy to use Strongly Agree The website is well organized The website is well organized Strongly Disagree The website is well organized Disagree The website is well organized Neither Disagree Nor Agree The website is well organized Agree The website is well organized Strongly Agree I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision Strongly Disagree I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision Disagree I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision Neither Disagree Nor Agree I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision Agree I was able to find the information I needed to make a decision Strongly Agree Question Title * 5. Select the reason you purchased tires from Town Fair Tire. Price Free services Ability to schedule appointments Ability to pay in store Selection Other (please specify / comments) Question Title * 6. How satisfied are you with your online buying experience as it applies to our site? Not at all satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Not at all satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Question Title * 7. What would you like to see improved or added to our site? Select all that apply. Customer tire reviews Free service reminders Email specials Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Do you have any other comments related to our website? Question Title * 9. Please enter your email (as we may contact to follow up on any problems you may be experiencing). Done