You recently attended a NorthSky Nonprofit Network or Rotary Charities workshop. Thank you for sharing your feedback so we can improve our work!

Question Title

* 2.

Reaction to the Session: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

  Not at All 2 Somewhat 4 A Great Deal N/A
The speaker communicated ideas clearly                                                            
The speaker encouraged participation                
The speaker held my interest         
I will be able to use what I learned here to better serve my community/organization
I would recommend this session to others          

Question Title

* 3. Please rate any change in knowledge and let us know if you intend to use the knowledge to improve your work.

  Nothing 2 Some Things 4 A Great Deal
Knowledge of content before the session
Knowledge of content after the session
To what extent do you plan to use this content

Question Title

* 4. How did you hear about this workshop? Select all that apply

Question Title

* 5. Topics you would like us to address in future sessions:

Question Title

* 6. How can we improve? 

Thank you for your feedback! When you click "Submit" below you will be redirected to page where you can enter your contact information and be entered to win a free NorthSky "Break for Lunch" workshop or $35 off the workshop of your choice! (Don't worry, the responses  from this survey will stay anonymous!)

Click the submit button below to save & submit your responses!