EOI for a School Presentation/Skype in 2018
An Expedition Class project by the Bookend Trust

The information gathered below is only for the purpose of keeping you up to date with the Where Where Wedgie? program by the Bookend Trust. Your personal details will not be disclosed to third parties. By completing this form you are jumping in line to book a free school presentation or Skype when the bookings times are released soon.

Where Where Wedgie? will be a live adventure during May 2018. We will learn about the Tasmanian wedge tailed eagle and their wonderful winged life. The live adventure and classroom resources are suited to all Australian students. There will be free teaching resources (Year 1-10) and the opportunity (in Tasmania) to join a new citizen science monitoring project where students and their families can directly contribute to the science of keeping track of their population.

Question Title

* 1. Your name:

Question Title

* 2. Work email:

Question Title

* 4. School Details:

Question Title

* 5. Year level that you teach (in 2018):

Question Title

* 6. Staying in touch:

Question Title

* 7. Your comments or any additional info: