1. Introduction

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33% of survey complete.
Thank you for your participation in this study exploring potential areas for waste reduction within the FMCG value chain.

This survey aims to explore and understand the major potential areas of waste; collaborative opportunities between the value chain participants; and business structures to support waste reduction. The objective is to assist members understanding the issues through an industry wide fact based analysis of waste mitigation approaches and to provide insight to the AFGC on top of mind issues.

Your participation will give you access to the analysis of these findings, to be published on 22 June 2016. An in depth summary of the key findings will be presented at this years AFGC Supply Chain Seminar on the same day. The presentation will highlight how the industry is performing in this area, providing industry benchmarking and opportunity to evaluate waste mitigations practices.
AFGC is conducting this research in conjunction with Coriolis. All responses will be de-identified and no individual company data will be shared.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.